4 Foods To Relieve Constipation & Treat Insomnia.

Foods To Relieve Constipation & Treat Insomnia

Welcome to the page. I hope you are fine. In this article, I will share a few practical tips that will help you regulate bowel movements, improve sleep within 2 to 3 days, and give you complete relief within a week.

Relieve Constipation & Treat Insomnia.

I pick These Ayurveda tips from Ayurveda practitioner Dr. Mihir Khatri from India. So, if you suffer from constipation and insomnia, rely on these tips and read the full article for the full detail. 

Guys, due to unhealthy eating, demanding schedules of jobs, and easy lifestyle, health issues happen like constipation and sleeping disorder (insomnia), etc. While there are medicines to help overcome the same, why not opt for a natural and sustainable cure with no side effects? Let’s dive deep.

1. Papaya.

Guys include papaya in your breakfast. The reason is that Papayas contain papain enzymes suitable for abdominal disorders and help clear bowels. Try and comment in the commenting section.

2. Black Raisins

Guys, you should pick 5 to 10 black raisins and soak them overnight in the morning or evening. After that, eat those soaked black raisins that help you do so well and will help clear bowls. With this, you will also get good sleep.

3. Vegetable Soup

The vegetable soup you should opt for for dinner. It is rich in fiber that helps in clearing the bowels. Guys, avoid raw vegetables as they can lead to gas formation.

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4. Clarified Butter with Milk

Guys, it is experienced; add two tablespoons of cow-clarified butter to a glass of warm milk an hour before bedtime. It can help you with insomnia and constipation. Keep in mind that ghee doesn’t increase cholesterol or fat. It helps lubricate the intestines and clear the bowels in the morning.

This article is purely informative; if you suffer from problems seriously, you should consult your physician.

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