8 Headache Warning Signs For Kids

Dr. Claire McCarthy is now the Senior Faculty Editor at Harvard Health Publishing.
In childhood, many people have frequent headaches. Most of the time, they are nothing to be concerned about and are brought on by common small diseases, a light knock to the head, insufficient sleep, insufficient food or drink, or stress.

Headaches similar to migraines may also appear in children. Still, as long as the triggers for the headaches are recognized and avoided, there is typically no reason for concern.

Headache Warning Signs For Kids

However, headaches may sometimes be an issue and cause for concern, especially when they occur often. Now is the time for you to be concerned:

1. a condition in which a person has a headache, fever, and stiff neck. Your kid should be able to stare up at the ceiling. He would jerk his head back and forth and tilt his chin to his chest.

If he cannot go, you should take him to the nearest emergency hospital to rule out the possibility that he has meningitis.

2. When using acetaminophen or ibuprofen does not alleviate the excruciating and unyielding agony. Any severe pain, no matter where it is, requires medical treatment.

3. when a headache is followed by frequent or chronic vomiting, particularly when there are no other indicators of sickness, such as fever or diarrhea.

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It may be simply a virus, and youngsters often throw up after taking a blow to the head, but it's still a good idea to contact the doctor and find out since vomiting may indicate pressure on the brain.

4. Besides having a headache, your kid is abnormally tired or has difficulty walking, talking, or doing other typical things. Again, it may be only a virus, but you should still make an appointment with your primary care physician.

5. When your child's headache causes them to wake up throughout the night. Youngsters can wake up for causes other than a headache and then discover they have one.

I do not qualify. However, if the kid wakes up due to the pain, this is not a typical headache, and you should contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

When lying down makes a headache seem worse. The most typical symptom of this condition is a headache that is at its worst first thing in the morning and gradually improves over the day.

It is the reverse of how most headaches occur, and it might be a symptom of increased pressure on the brain. If this is the pattern, schedule a visit with your primary care provider.

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7. When the headaches occur often or become disruptive to day-to-day activities. Call your child's doctor if they are experiencing headaches more than twice per week or if they interfere with the child's ability to complete schoolwork, play, or generally live a normal life.

Headaches may be a sign of a more serious problem. It does not necessarily indicate that anything severe is going on. Still, it is worth a visit to be sure — and to discover strategies to control and, ideally, avoid the headaches.

It is especially important to remember if you find yourself giving your kid medicine regularly. As it turns out, administering the medication might result in more frequent headaches.

8. If there is anything about a headache that causes you concern, even if it isn't on this list, you should seek medical attention immediately. I will always respect a parent's intuition, and my goal is to make a parent feel as comfortable as possible.

Call your physician if you think something needs to be corrected or have any questions about your health. That is why we are gathered here today.

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In conclusion, it is important to remember that headaches of any kind should be taken extremely seriously, and every safety measure should be taken to prevent headaches from occurring in children, adults, or elderly citizens.

As a first line of defense, we need to treat ourselves with some home remedies. If it doesn't work, we should make an appointment with the physician.


  • Quadronmusic.com. https://www.quadronmusic.com/is-it-normal-for-a-child-to-have-a-headache-with-a-fever/
  • https://www.naturalhealthscam.com/how-to-handle-stress-in-your-day-to-day-life/
  • https://www.srhs.com/patients-visitors/when-go-where


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