Main Causes of Divorce in Couples

Love and marriage are personal experiences for each couple. Experiencing a breakup is also unlike anything else. The question is, what is the last straw that causes a marriage to end? 

Couples choose to end their marriages for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to compatibility issues and dishonesty. 

Why Divorce?

However, according to the study, some reasons for breaking up are more prevalent across particular generations and cultures. Curious?

1. Money Problems

Marriages may be stressful when one spouse has trouble making ends meet or when one spouse spends more money than they have coming in.

Perhaps your spouse needs help to be financially responsible if they always ask you for money.

2. Intimacy Deficit

The couple must have emotional and physical closeness for a marriage to thrive. And just because you can't prolong a relationship's "honeymoon phase" doesn't imply you should stop being intimate.

Aside from having sex, being intimate also means being attentive to your partner. And when these tender moments of connection go away, it may send a chill down a couple's spine.

3. Ashley Madison

One apparent reason individuals obtain a divorce is because of extramarital encounters. Despite this, a surprising number of married couples have managed to remain together despite infidelity.

Infidelity, however, alters the nature of the marriage in fundamental ways. Divorce might be the result of a decline in trust and subsequent communication.

3. Images of Domestic Abuse

When one partner in an intimate relationship repeatedly uses aggressive tactics to keep the other in their place, this is known as domestic violence.

Assault is only one kind of domestic abuse. Isolation, intimidation, manipulation, and a constant need to place blame are common indicators of an abusive relationship.

4. Conflicting Requirements

They say that opposites attract, but commonalities ultimately unite. If you and your partner don't have any common interests, you'll either spend less time together enjoying your interests or give them more priority.

In the long run, this will only deepen animosity and strain your relationship.

5. Outward look

Separation based on superficial variations in appearance could come out as insincere and unjust. Unfortunately, however, it is a genuine cause of divorce in some couples.

A person's health, self-esteem, intimacy, and many other areas of life may be affected by changes in their physical appearance.

6. Addiction and Substance Misuse

Substance misuse, drunkenness, and gambling all contribute to a tumultuous home life.

It may also lead to other difficulties, such as emotional distress, conflicts, money troubles, and even physical violence.

7. Disruptions in Communication

The inability to communicate effectively is a significant factor in the decision to end a marriage. Couples who need help to express themselves effectively often wind up causing additional confusion and misunderstanding in their relationship.

Your relationship's love, closeness, and respect will deteriorate if you and your partner cannot communicate effectively during problem-solving sessions.

8. Early Age Marriage

Couples often state that they were unprepared for marriage as the primary cause of their divorce. Couples in their twenties have the most significant divorce rate, and over half of all divorces happen in the first decade of marriage.

Unfortunately, only some young married couples know how to communicate well since they have yet to grow up sufficiently. Without life experience, immaturity often triumphs over a levelheaded, measured response to marital issues.

9. Wedding Motivations That Aren't Right

Some couples enter into matrimony with inflated notions of what the relationship ought to entail. Then, they are dissatisfied when the fairy tale doesn't correspond with reality.

Because of your adoration for the other person, you could fail to see their shortcomings in character. So what? This isn't the actual world.

10. Disparity and Lack of Self-expression

The presence of hypocrisy or the dominance of one spouse over the other in decision-making is a warning signal of marital inequality.

The involvement of children may exacerbate inequality concerns and cause couples to lose their distinct identities rapidly.

11. Conflict and Excessive Bickering

Although having different viewpoints is beneficial, there must be a middle ground to avoid the inevitability of conflicts and fights.

The partnership may suffer and eventually divorce due to constant bickering and an inability to resolve conflicts.

12. Hopes That Are Too High

A typical cause for divorce is having unrealistic expectations about the marital home, the management of the family, and even the treatment of the spouse.

Also, getting married can be a red flag if you expect things to improve afterward.

13. The Values Do Not Match.

Relationships are more affected than you think by divergent views on religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and even political affiliation.

Marriages sometimes reach a crisis point when partners have fundamentally different principles and values.

14. Not Having Relatives to Lean On

Feelings of alienation and loneliness could intensify if your family disapproves of your marriage or spouse. Divorce may be in your future if you and your spouse are unable to cope with this strain.


The bottom line? Divorce is a complex issue with no single cause. If you're facing marital difficulties, remember you don't have to go it alone. Consider seeking professional help to address these challenges and strengthen your relationship.

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